Can't see your chat channels in Mattermost?
Has your Mattermost tool been added, but you can't find your channels to add to your project? If you're trying to add a private channel, read on. Otherwise get in touch with us over chat.
Adding Private Channels in Mattermost
If you're trying to add a private channel to a Project and you can't see it in the list of available channels from the Edit Mattermost Sources page, this usually means that the administrator who created the original API Token is not a member of the Private Channel.
Follow these steps to add your private channel to your Project Space:
1. Add a new Mattermost Tool using your Personal Access Token
Go to Mattermost's Personal Access Token page, where you will find instructions to create and copy your personal access token
Copy the access token and stored it in a secure location
Return to your Umano Workspace, and go to Settings/Tools/Add Tool
Select Mattermost, add your company URL and paste your Personal Access Token
2. Add your new Private channels
Select the Project you want to add your private channel to
βIn the Right Sidebar, select Sources/ Edit (Pencil icon)
βSelect the Mattermost Tool that you have just added
(easily identified not being purple in colour, and as having no selected channels listed underneath the Mattermost logo)Type in the channel name of the new channel you want to add
Select the channel and click Done