What is it
Average number of tickets/estimates completed during the sprint/interval by a team member (assignee)
Why it matters
Measuring a team's efficiency rate helps to identify whether a team’s rate of efficiency stays consistent irrespective of whether a team’s size expands or contracts its team members. Specific is my team’s efficiency dependent on individual performers, or sustained through strong process and practice?
How we calculate it
Get all the ticket details that are present in the sprint.
Identify all the tickets that were completed during the sprint that is allocated to that given sprint.
Identify all the assignees allocated to tickets in the sprint
Ticket ID | Assignee | Completed Time | Sprint Completion Time |
MA-0001 | David |
| 2021-01-07 10:00:00 |
MA-0002 | Thamali | 2021-01-02 16:00:00 |
MA-0003 | David | 2021-01-08 10:00:00** |
MA-0004 | Chris | 2021-01-03 15:00:00 |
MA-0005 | Thamali |
MA-0006 | Chris | 2021-01-04 15:00:00 |
Total number of tickets completed during the sprint = 3 (MA-0002, MA-0004, MA-0006)
Total number of assignees in the sprint = 3 (Chris, David, Thamali)
Efficiency Rate = 3/3 → 3
Driving Practices
Total number of tickets in the interval
Number of tickets added mid-interval
Number of tickets removed mid-interval
Number of title changes mid-interval
Number of description changes mid-interval
Number of acceptance criteria changes mid-interval
Number of business days in the sprint
Number of tickets completed in interval
Number of assignees