
Insight into your team's assigned, actual and predicted capacity so you can plan more accurately and deliver value more consistently.

Chris Boys avatar
Written by Chris Boys
Updated over a week ago

What is Capacity?

Capacity provides an indication of how much work can be completed during your team’s sprint or Kanban interval. It incorporates the number of team members, issues (and their estimated size) that are assigned, along with the duration of the interval.

Why Capacity matters

The success of a team and company is based on the value it delivers. Accurate, predictable planning of the amount of value that can be delivered with the team available increases your likelihood of success and overall impact. Using your data to know the capacity of each team provides the edge to accurate, predictable capacity planning.

Teams will always experience peaks and troughs that reflect the effort required to deliver a company's strategic milestones or annual cadence. A team knowing their capacity helps empower them to better manage their own workload and smooth out the peaks and troughs. Capacity supports a balanced approach to maintaining a sustained, consistent and repeatable amount of work. On the flip side, it also helps teams more accurately define an opportunity to take on additional work to fit any available capacity.

It’s equally important for leaders to know each team's unique baseline of how much work they can actually be assigned and completed based on their capacity due to the unique composition of skills and team members per team. Knowing this baseline enables leaders to plan an organisation’s capacity more accurately, along with building roadmaps that have a greater chance of success of completion rather than over or under-planning what can be delivered to customers by a specific date.

What 'good' looks like

Your team’s context is always the best arbiter of what ‘good’ looks like.

As a general principle, ‘good’ capacity represents an assigned amount of work that has a high likelihood of completion given the available team members and the number of days in the interval. A good Capacity score in Umano is when the assigned and actual capacity meets or exceeds the predicted capacity of a team.

How Umano measures Capacity

Umano Measures Capacity by observing:

  • Logged time for each issue type, when logged

  • Time logged/ estimates when available so that Capacity can be presented in number of days, story points or the total number of tickets accordingly

  • The average time it takes to complete a ticket of a given story point size and the time used in each sprint (dependent on timely updates of issues moving through their workflow)

  • The time spent on each issue during the sprint, rather than the total time spent on an issue if it’s worked upon over multiple intervals

Noting that:

  • Umano displays both the predicted capacity for an interval, along with the actual capacity as the team progresses throughout the interval. This helps teams observe whether their actual capacity was above or below their predicted capacity

When there is no time logged or story point estimation assigned, the Capacity score will be presented in days to accommodate for the fact that scores consider 24 hours per day and tickets, considering that the full ticket needed to be completed in the current sprint instead of a fraction.

Specifically, we define Planned and Predicted capacity in the following way:

Planned Capacity:

Amount of work (as Cycle Time or Story Points or Issues) assigned/added to the sprint/Kanban interval. This uses all the tickets added to the sprint whether it was there at the start of the sprint or added mid-sprint. If there are tickets inherited from a previous sprint, the amount of work assigned as the planned capacity is determined by the amount of work left to complete in those tickets (This is calculated using the usual amount of time spent on similar-sized tickets in the past by the team.)

For example, if a team takes 5 days to complete a ticket that is sized 5 Story Points, and it has been in progress for 2 days in the previous sprint, planned capacity for the current sprint will only allocate 3 story points out of the 5SP of the ticket as the team has already spend 2/5th of time on the ticket in the previous sprint.

Predicted Capacity:

The amount of work that Umano predicts that the team might be able to complete during the sprint by looking at the past sprints.

How Umano displays Capacity

Capacity Chart

Umano's chart plots your planned, actual and predicted capacity scores over time.

You can plot your capacity scores based on your actual cycle time, issues, or story points, depending on how you work and the insights you seek to generate.

Capacity Surfacing Table for each interval

For any chosen interval in the Chart, Umano surfaces all assigned issues for that interval, visualising the planned and unplanned capacity for that issue.

  • 'Planned Capacity' is displayed in the progress bar as green, where 100% represents the time spent as estimated, assigned and carried out.

  • 'Unplanned Capacity' is work carried out in excess of the original planned capacity. It is visualised in the progress bar as blue and represented as an additional percentage of time spent working on the issue.

  • 'Available Capacity' is underutilised capacity, relative to what has been assigned, and is visualised in the progress bar as grey.

Capacity spent in prior sprints is represented in the progress bar through a faded shade of colour.

Capacity spent and available in the current sprint is represented in the progress bar through an intensified shade of colour.

What's included

  • Number of assignees at the start of the interval

  • Number of tickets

  • Number of story points

  • Time logged

  • Average time spent on each story point size

  • Interval duration

Practices that influence this measure

  • Total number of tickets at the start of the interval

  • Number of new tickets at the start of the interval (tickets in TO DO regardless of inherited or not)

  • Number of tickets in progress at the start of the interval

  • Average cycle time per ticket

  • Total number of story points at the start of the interval

  • Number of new story points in the interval at the start (tickets in TO DO regardless of inherited or not)

  • Number of story points in progress at the start of the interval

  • Average cycle time per story point

  • Total number of time estimates in the interval at the start

  • Number of new time estimates at the start of the interval (tickets in TO DO regardless of inherited or not)

  • Number of time estimates in progress at the start of the interval

  • Number of assignees

  • Number of days in the interval

Tips for maintaining Capacity

  • Estimate the tickets and log the actual time spent using relevant or custom fields in your issue tracker

  • Move the tickets through the statuses in a timely manner as you progress through your work

  • Strive to complete tickets assigned to the sprint within the sprint / be consistent in the amount of work you intend to complete.

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