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Reviewer - ojo™ Insights (Macro Cycle)
Updated over 11 months ago

Introducing ojo Insights in Reviewer (Macro Cycle)

The third element of the Reviewer is ojo™ Insights. Unlike your Active Cycle Reviewer where ojo™ presents the metrics most changed for the Sprint or increment, ojo™ presents the Drivers that most changed during your Macro Cycle sprints / increments, updating at the completion of each throughout the Cycle. This lets the team dive even deeper into what's most affecting, or driving the changes to their performance.

As you prepare to close your Macro Cycle review how your team performed, the ojo™ Insights page within the Reviewer helps you bring the facts into your reflective conversation around what you did well and should keep doing, and which aspects of your performance declined and therefore may need to take a closer look for improving next cycle.

What does ojo Insights present?

The observations presented on this page relate to the Drivers in each category that carry the highest deviation at the end of your sprint or Kanban increment. To generate the insights, Umano observes the average value for each driver relative to the driver values at the Peak Performance period.

When to use ojo™ Insights

ojo™ Insights page is updated at the completion of every sprint or Kanban increment.

To allow time for the page to be updated once the last increment has been closed, the Umano teams have a practice of completing their Team Vibe and Team Input sections of their Macro Cycle Review. The final stage is to review what ojo™ presents on their metric related performance, and then to go back to Team Input and add any actions or experiments we intend to run during the next Macro Cycle.

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