If you use private channels within Slack to communicate and collaborate on your team's projects, you can add private channels to Umano. However, the Umano app needs to be added to the channels you wish.
Since they're private channels they're not visible to apps or users. This means you need to add the Umano app manually to the private channels you want to give it access to. To do this:
In Slack, open the private channel you wish to add
Click on the 3 dots on the top right and select "Open channel details"
Go to the "Integrations" tab
In the "Apps" section, click on "Add an app"/"Add apps"
Find "Umano" in the list and click on "Add"
Once you've done this to all the private channels you need, head back to Umano:
Go to the team you've created
On the left side navigations, click on the "Team Settings" icon, then on "Sources" and then select Slack from the options
The private channels should now be listed for selection; tick them and click on the save button.
If the channels are not visible, it may be due to caching. Give it a few mins and then refresh the page until they appear.
Once you've added the channels to the team, please let us now so we can re-run an analysis using the updated Slack sources.