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Connect Mattermost
Updated over 2 years ago

Connect Mattermost to unlock your team insights into your team's engagement practices.

Mattermost credentials are provided via a Personal Access Token

  1. You can click Skip or Connect when prompted to add a new Mattermost workspace.

  2. Clicking on ‘See detailed instructions…’ will take you to Mattermost's Personal Access Token page, where you will find instructions to create and copy your personal access token.

  3. Once you have copied the access token and stored it in a secure location, you can return to where you left your Umano set-up page and paste the access token where instructed.

  4. Click Continue to take you to the next stage of set-up, adding sources from within your tools to create your project space on Umano

  5. NOTE: if you have Multi-factor authentication disabled for Mattermost, you can all add a workspace by using your user name and password. Click on ‘I cannot create a Personal Access Token…’ and follow the instructions.

Success! Your Mattermost tool is now connected.

Now that your tools are connected to Umano, you will be able to set-up your team’s project space by selecting specific sources (boards, repositories, spaces and channels) from your tools that are used by your project team and that you want to contribute to your team’s performance profile.

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