Team Performance Summary Basics

Getting started with Umano: Performance Summary basics

Chris Boys avatar
Written by Chris Boys
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to your team's Project Space, where you'll first see Umano's unique approach to modelling your team's sprint performance.

This article gives you a quick overview of what's included your team's Performance Summary.

1. Performance Traits

The Performance Summary displays your team’s current performance across Design and Build and Review workflows. It also provides insight into your team’s Engagement practices. Click here to find out more about the specific measures Umano uses to model performance within each of these three traits.

2. Performance Attributes

Within each trait, Umano displays desired attributes of high-performing agile teams. For example, within the Design & Build trait, Umano profiles your team’s Speed, Progress and Stability attributes.

3. Performance Measures

As your team aspires to build proficiency in a specific attribute, they can track their progress with supporting measures, which we call Agile Success Metrics. For example, if a team’s focus is on improving their speed, they can defer to Lead Time and Cycle times as a measure of how long it takes them to ship an idea from creation.

4. Performance Score

The value displayed for each measure represents your progress score for the current sprint. When viewing a completed sprint, the score presented is the median from each of the daily scores within the sprint. When viewing a sprint currently in progress, the score presented is the median of all daily scores generated from the commencement of the sprint. For details on how each performance score is calculated, select the relevant Agile Success Metric you would like to review and learn more about.

5. Star

Star icons appear when your team’s current sprint performance score is stronger than your usual, rolling performance.

6. Track Bar

The Track Bar to the right of the performance score maps your current sprint progress score relative to your usual performance score for that particular measure. The black line marker visualises your usual performance relative to your current sprint performance.

7. Rolling Performance (Usual)

The rolling performance score is the median score from your prior six sprints. We refer to your rolling performance score as your ‘usual’ performance.

8. Drivers

Selecting the ‘+' symbol displays the drivers that influence your performance measure for the sprint you are viewing. Drivers provide insight into your team’s underlying practices and behaviours affecting the measure and attribute your team aspires to improve.

9. Charts

Selecting the ‘>' symbol will take you to the corresponding chart for that metric. Viewing supporting charts and supporting data that are surfaced directly from your tools allows for greater interrogation and understanding of what activities and practices are directly affecting your performance.

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