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Tracker - Active Cycle

Measure & Track Sprint / Kanban Increment Performance

Updated over 10 months ago

​This article gives you a quick overview of what's included your team's Active Cycle Tracker, the back bone to Umano's ability to help you to measure, track visualise insights into how your team is working and improving.

Active Cycle Tracker comprises two components:

1. Reports

A snapshot view of your team's current vs usual (rolling performance) sprint / increment performance across 25 agile metrics, showcasing your team's Design, Build, Review and Engagement practices. Each metric is mapped to an agility outcome, such as speed, progress or predictability. This anchors each metric into an outcome you're focussed on improving, and provides a 'why' to measuring that aspect of your way of working. ojo™ highlights major improvements and declines to accelerate where you might focus your inspect and adapt practices.

2. Metric Charts

For each metric tracked in Umano, teams can zoom into a Metric Chart to see what's affecting that particular metric's score. Performance is mapped over each sprint / increment, and you can zoom out as far back as your Umano plan allows. By selecting any increment from your chart, ojo™ calls out the drivers significantly affecting your performance, and surfaces all relevant items worked on (issues, bugs, pull requests, spaces, chat channels) with each item individually scored, aiding your ability to see which items are outliers and need most focus.

Read more about your Active Cycle Metric Charts below.

Active Cycle Tracker Reports in Detail

1. Performance Traits

The Report displays your team’s current performance across Design and Build, Review and Engagement practices. Click here to find out more about the specific measures Umano uses to model performance within each of these three traits.

2. Performance Attributes

Within each trait, Umano displays desired attributes of high-performing agile teams. For example, within the Design & Build trait, Umano profiles your team’s Speed, Progress and Stability attributes.

3. Metrics

As your team aspires to build proficiency in a specific attribute, they can track their progress with supporting metrics, which we call Agile Success Metrics. For example, if a team’s focus is on improving their speed, they can defer to Lead Time and Cycle times as a measure of how long it takes them to ship an idea from creation.

4. Scores

The value displayed for each metric represents your progress score for the current iteration. When viewing a completed sprint or Kanban increment, for example, the score presented is the median from each of the daily scores within the increment. When viewing an increment currently in progress, the score presented is the median of all daily scores generated from the commencement of the sprint. For details on how each performance score is calculated, select the relevant Agile Success Metric you would like to review and learn more about.

ojo™ provides context to your scores with observations and insights, so you can learn faster and take aligned action sooner.

ojo™ Observations:

ojo™ accelerates learning by pointing out where you need to celebrate, as well as inspect and adapt. Here's a key to what each observation means:

  1. Any variance in improvement or decline across all metrics, denoted by arrows up or down and the percentage of change in score.

  2. Significant changes in a score highlighted by a Thumbs Up icon for improvement, and Flag icon for decline where a Call Out exists in the metric’s supporting chart, naming the drivers affecting your performance.

  3. Highlighted icons indicate the most significant score changes, with additional insight that can be found in your support metric chart.

ojo™ Insights for 'Improve' and 'Master' plans:

The 'Improve' and 'Master' plans enables deeper insights for added context and understanding. Select the ‘ojo’ button on top right of your Tracker will reveal the ojo Insights Stream, a panel that showcases all of ojo’s related insights for that sprint or increment, updated daily.

6. Track Bar

The Track Bar to the right of the metric label maps your current increment progress score relative to your usual performance score for that particular measure - hover on the bar for the comparison tool tips. If the current score is less than your usual, you'll see grey space highlighting the difference. If your score is higher than usual, you'll see your current score mapped as the higher of the two values, doubling over your usual score.

7. Rolling Performance (Usual)

The rolling performance score is the median score from your prior six sprints / Kanban increments. We often refer to your rolling performance score as your ‘usual’ performance.

8. Drivers

Selecting the ‘+' symbol displays the drivers that influence your performance measure for the sprint you are viewing. Drivers provide insight into your team’s underlying practices and behaviours affecting the measure and attribute your team aspires to improve.

9. Charts

Selecting the ‘>' symbol will take you to the corresponding chart for that metric. Viewing supporting charts and supporting data that are surfaced directly from your tools allows for greater interrogation and understanding of what activities and practices are directly affecting your performance.

10. Custom Filters

Customise which metrics you view and choose to focus on by selecting from any of Umano's predefined filters, such as a Role like Engineering Manager or Job to be done, like planning. Select '+ Create Custom' to build your own and apply it just to your Tracker, to to everyone on your team's if you have the required Umano permission to do so.
Read more about how to set-up your filters here.

11. Notes

Add context and commentary to any iteration Report by adding a note, accessed by selecting the Note icon on the top right of your Report. You can read more about Notes functionality here.

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